Measuring success and
realising our vision
Realising our vision
We’re aiming high with our ambitions for our Liverpool 2031 strategic framework. And our vision can only be achieved through a sustained and focused team effort across the University and its strategic partnerships.
The objectives and priorities we have set provide long term direction and will be progressed through a range of new and existing strategic implementation plans.
These plans will include:
- Institutional plans for growth, setting out our detailed objectives for future student numbers, research income and performance
- A Financial plan that forms the basis for rigorous financial management and ensures the University’s ability to invest in infrastructure and strategic priorities
- Digital and Estates strategies to facilitate the right capability and environment for success
- External Relations strategies that enhance the University’s brand and reputation among key stakeholders and markets
- A major new fundraising campaign that is aligned with our 150th anniversary in 2031, to unlock significant additional resources for investment in our priorities.
Moreover, the framework is the foundation for all faculty, school and departmental plans, which will be developed locally and through appropriate engagement with staff.
Our annual planning and governance processes will ensure that all plans and the allocation of resources are aligned to delivering our priorities for the benefit of students, staff, our region and the world beyond.
Measuring success
We’ve set ten key measures that will be used to monitor the progress of our framework. Our focus on these measures will drive performance, plans and investment across the University and be complemented by other measures at faculty and department level that enable every individual and team to recognise their contribution towards the University’s overall success.
Progress against the ten measures will be monitored by University Council, our governing body.
1. Global reputation
We will achieve a global Top 100 university ranking
2. Research income
We will substantially increase our research income to above the median of the Russell Group
3. Student experience
Our students will report excellent levels of satisfaction as measured by the annual National Student Survey
4. Student success
Recent graduates will be in highly skilled employment at or above target levels as measured by the annual Graduate Outcomes Survey
5. Research quality
We will achieve targeted increases in co-authored publications and citations with international and industrial partners
6. Economic and social impact
We will achieve strong economic and social impact as measured by the Knowledge Exchange Framework and other key indicators
7. Environmental impact
We will achieve the targets set out in our Sustainability Strategy, including Net Zero by 2035
8. Staff experience
Our staff will report excellent overall levels of satisfaction as measured by our Staff Survey
9. Inclusive community
Equality, diversity and inclusion will be demonstrably valued
10. Healthy finances
We will achieve our targets for increasing the University’s annual surplus to enable reinvestment in our priorities
Want to know more?
Download the full Liverpool 2031 strategic framework (PDF). Explore our ambitious plans to harness our unique strengths and characteristics to secure a position among the top-100 universities globally.